Thursday, March 22, 2012

Just Life...

So a couple days ago we experienced our first tornado watch ever.  So stinkin scary!!  It was really windy all day long and they kept saying that there was supposed to be severe thunder storms the next couple days.  Well I didn't want to go running in the wind while pushing a jogging stroller with Alayna so I decided I was going to go on my run when Brady got home so that he could watch Alayna while I went.  When Brady got home Brady said he wanted to go running with me and that we could just take turns pushing the jogging stroller in the wind.  I agreed and we went running in the wind.  Ya, not so smart.  It was still really warm outside at the time but windy and overcast.  We only got a mile ran before we had to book it home!  The temperature dropped from warm to really cold SUPER fast!  It was like we were running and then just ran through a wall of cold.  Right after that, a guy with his dog told us we better get in because it is never good when the teperature drops like that.  So we started to head home when another person yelled to us "Did you hear about a tornado?"  I was like "What?!?!"  We were just about home by then.  We got in the house and turned on our weather radio that my parents got us and learned that we were under a tornado watch.  There were supposed to be lots of lightning, thunder, flash flooding, and hail the size of golf balls!  Like 5 to 10 minutes after we got home it started pouring!  Yep!  We spent the rest of the night watching the HUGE lightning flashes and praying that a tornado didn't hit us.  Luckily the storm didn't bring us any tornadoes but there were three tornadoes that night in Texas.  Holy Crappy!

Besides almost experiencing a tornado, Brady is doing so good in his classes!  Not too long ago he got a perfect score on his Organic Chemistry test!  105 percent baby!  I am just so gosh dang proud of him! :) 

Brady and I are also doing really well in our church callings.  I am the 2nd counselor in the Primary presidency and Brady is the assistant ward clerk.  Right now things are a little hectic in Primary because our president is in Boise and out 1st counselor is in Utah so last week and this next week I am doing Primary by myself.  I just hope I get through this!

Another thing that has happened to us is that Brady and I now have a niece and Alayna has another cousin!!  My brother Bryce and his wife Britta now have an adorable little girl. :)  Her name is Naomi LaNeal Rhodehouse.  19 inches long and 6 lbs 13 oz. and just perfect!  I really really REALLY can't wait until July when Brady, Alayna, and I fly back to Idaho and we get to see and hold her and give her lots of kisses!! :D 

Alayna is now over 8 months old! Holy cow!  Time is just going so fast!  Here are some super cute pictures of her for those that never get to see her...
7 months old

So happy to help mommy do the laundry

Just so sweet :)

She is so silly!

Alayna LOVES her daddy! :)

So excited for the ride!

I love nap time :)

She has to have her lamb when she sleeps.  So precious!

8 months old

Brady will flip her from his lap to behind him and she LOVES it!

I love her so much!!

She always goes and turns on the X box. Haha

Alayna doing her army crawl

Brady is more physical with her than I am and she LOVES that!

I don't look so good but Alayna sure is cute!


1 comment:

  1. Yes, Naomi definitely needs to meet her awesome aunt, uncle, and especially her cousin Alayna! Sure love you guys and can't wait for you to come back this summer!
