Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Alayna's update

One of our most favorite things to do is make our little girl giggle... :)

One of Alayna's favorite games to play is throw all of her toys onto the floor...

Alayna isn't crawling yet but it is just so funny to watch her. If she wants something that is out of her reach then she will pivot her body so that she can roll to where she wants to be.  Here is her doing the pivot...

Just a couple funny story's about her:  Everyone and I mean like EVERYONE tells us that Alayna looks like a real doll!  Well when we first got to Texas Alayna was about 2 months old.  We went to Wal-Mart one day and this big black guy was watching Brady holding Alayna.  He was probably thinking that Brady was a weirdo until he saw Alayna move.  The guy kind of jumped a little and was like "Man I thought you were carrying around a doll!"  Another time when we fooled someone was at the library when Alayna was probably 5 months old.  Again Brady was carrying her and this lady was watching Brady hold her.  When Alayna moved the lady watching got startled and jumped and walked around the corner (acting kind of embarrassed) but I still heard her tell her son "I thought that was a doll!"  Hahaha!  We have also had people tell us that Alayna is like the ward doll.  Every time we go somewhere, anywhere, we get compliments on how cute she is and usually someone says something like "She is such a doll"!

  One thing that we have learned about our little girl from being her parents and also by observing other people's babies is that our little girl is very energetic and hyper all the time!  It is always a wrestling match when we try to change her diaper or put her clothes on.  She is so disrupting at church and is always the center of attention.  Haha.  Just a couple days ago someone commented to Brady and I that Alayna was like a chicken with its head cut off.  I thought that was kind of a funny but accurate comparison of her.  Alayna just wouldn't hold still and was yelling and waving the toy in her hand around and just being her normal crazy self.  Lol.        

Last week Alayna got her 6 month shots.  I know she is almost 8 months now so we are a little behind on her shots but she is just fine.  At this checkup she was 28 inches long and 18.5 pounds.  That is in the 90ith percentile for height and 62nd percentile for weight and her head circumference was in the 50th percentile.  She is just growing super well!!  She is just a tall healthy baby and we are so grateful for that! :) 

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